Saturday, July 9, 2011

Singing Hillsong in Guatemala... TAKE IT ALL!!!

Earlier this Summer I was blessed with my first opportunity of going on a mission trip. I went with my church at Purdue University through an organization called Literacy & Evangelism International, and such an absolutely amazing experience it was. We were in the country of Guatemala. Our objective for the week and a half that we were there was to teach English at a local Christian school called Colegio Mark in Cantel, Guatemala. We had a team of about 16 or 17 and so we were divided into pairs, and each pair was assigned to a specific grade to teach for the week. Now the way the school worked was that in the mornings until about 12:30pm elementary school classes (k - 5) were held, and in the afternoon we had middle/high
school classes. So in the morning, my partner and I were blessed to be with the best 2nd graders in the world! There was so much love that just radiated from them, and not only that but they were incredibly intelligent and so eager to learn English. Here are a few pictures of our 2nd graders. 

So in the afternoon my partner Paige and I had a little different situation than the rest of our team. Instead of teaching one specific class English the whole week, we were the music teachers, so every for every period another class came to us. This by far was one of the most amazing things I have every done. I have a great passion for  music and to sing, for children/youth, and for missions, and I had no idea how God would use all of these things that He placed in my heart; together. That week in Guatemala revealed to me just how much I was still placing limitations on God.  
Everyday that week, Paige and I worshiped God for 4 hours straight with classrooms full of young students who were just in love with God. During the week, since our focus there was to teach English, we taught songs in English. The best way to do this, we thought, was to find a song in Spanish so they would know what the song was talking about, the melody, etc. Then after that we would teach them in English.
Well it's crazy how God works things out. Literally one day before we left for Guatemala, Paige and I were going over our lesson plans and her friend happened to point out that she had a Hillsong album in Spanish, and it just so happens that Paige and I became the music teachers. The song we taught them was Take It All by Hillsong and the kids loved it! That week began the transformation in how I viewed worship. I was no longer seeking an experience with God while I was leading worship but I was seeking the face of God and trying to lead classrooms of Guatemalan teenagers who barely spoke the same language to see the face of God more clearly through the language of music. And it was so clear to me that they completely understood
every word and every emotion that God was giving to me, our team, and to the school.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Going to Hillsong International Leadership College

Hello all,

  Nice to meet you! My name is Jeramey Mason and I have never blogged before but the idea was given to me from a good friend. I'm starting this because this is a part of my mobilization in following God's  calling on my life to go into ministry, specifically music ministry.

 A little background to begin; it all began in Indianapolis, Indiana where I grew up. I was raised by an awesome God fearing woman, my MOM!!! So I grew up in a Christian household, but it was always said that she wanted the best for me and that I was going to go to Purdue University to study Mechanical Engineering. Well I did go to Purdue University and I did try Mechanical Engineering, but oh quickly that major changed. That was definitely not my calling, and so I changed majors 3 times after that, just really trying to find myself and what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I knew that I wanted to help others and I knew I had an interest for psychology. Years prior to 3rd major change I had a back surgery caused by a high school football career and was really thankful for the great Neurologist God blessed me with and so the choice of Behavioral Neuroscience Psychology seemed to be a great fit.

 At the end of my Junior year God really was putting some things into motion. Amazingly I was accepted to work at the Brain & Mind Research Institute at Sydney University in Australia!!! So my first time out of the country was to Sydney, Australia, and I spent the summer months of 2010 in this amazing place. The work I was able to at the Brain & Mind Research Institute was exactly what I had planned for my future. I was working with Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease patients. I was able to work with Social Disorders, Sleep Disorders, and a number of other things pertaining to neurology. It was great and I was whole-heatedly convinced that this was what I was to do for the rest of my life; thinking that this was the reason that God brought me to Sydney, Australia.

 Well while I was there in Sydney it was a must that I was still receiving God's word and being around other Christian in a Christian environment. I am learning now that there are no coincidences in life, and God placed our group of Purdue students a block away from Hillsong Church. Well this was the church that I went to while I was in Sydney, and as soon as I walked in the doors of that building I felt and knew that God was there. It was so evident, with young and old people from every part of the world worshiping God. I cannot begin to describe it or put it into words, but this was something that I didn't even think about until I was back in the States doing homework one night of my senior year.

 There was a huge tugging at my heart and I really just thought that it was God telling me to go to medical school, but the more and more I pursued that avenue, the more and more God worked in me. One night while laying in my bed, the mere thought of Hillsong, being surrounded by the people of God, the atmosphere, the love and the sincerity brought me to tears. God had over taken my heart, and I was honestly confused why this was happening. I thought I was supposed to go to medical school. I thought the reason I went to Sydney was to learn more about Neurology, but it wasn't. It was so that God could open my heart to His calling on my life.  I am a singer/songwriter and still learning to play guitar, and I have never felt a clearer more tangible flow of God in and through me except for when I'm on stage singing praises to God. God has given me the opportunity to use the gift he gave to me to usher His people into a closer relationship with Him, not just to experience God but learn and see God's face.

 So, late in my senior year at Purdue University, I stopped getting ready for medical school and I applied to Hillsong International Leadership College. Three weeks later I was accepted to begin a bachelor's program in Contemporary Worship Music. This is where God is taking me; back to Sydney, Australia to the same church where He revealed so much to me; to be in ministry full-time and to serve Him with the gift and the passion He has given me. I have just graduated from Purdue University this past May 2011 and now I am working toward acquiring the funds toward the tuition and plane ticket costs to get to Hillsong College. My family has donated some, and some friends have given as well, and many others that are not able to financially contribute have kept me uplifted in prayer.

 Prayer is the first and number one thing that I need in preparing to make such a huge move 9,284 miles away to Sydney. But also, if you are led and God speaks to your heart with my story any financial contribution would be such a tremendous help as well. Thanks for taking the time to read and feel free to comment.